High Performance Academy


To create a best in class system and environment where coaches, athletes and teams can excel and deliver success at all levels.

Develop performance pathways from the community to the elite level which deliver unprecedented success.

To build a culture, a system and programme that provides athletes with the tools to success and life experiences. 


To provide athletes with the resources and appropriate support to be best prepared to maximise their abilities and ultimately compete for Olympic, World and European Medals.


  1. To medal at Europan events and qualify for World & Olympic events
  2. To develop home-grown Academy athletes and players in the performance pathway that could sustain the performance objectives beyond 2028 in European, World and Olympic events.
  3. To establish a performance pathway that supports the appropriate development of talent.
  4. To have a world-class talent search and scouting network in place internationally.
  5. To develop the capacity of Fastpitch Ireland with Baseball Softball Ireland to develop and manage an effective performance programme.